
Ahoy! Side A


The Hurting
Lady Winter
Cheap Imitations
Undir Birkitré 
Tiger and Bear
Yfir hóla og yfir hæðir

The Hurting

Broken glass,
torn up curtains.
I feel it in my heart,
here comes the hurting.

She’s a crocodile
under the surface.
She greets me with a smile,
here comes the hurting

She knows my soul
and she knows it’s troubles.
I kept it in the hole
but here comes the hurting

She come slow,
but she comes for certain.
She never lets me go, 
here comes the hurting.

Everybody’s got a devil to drag.
Everybody’s got some dirt in their bag.
Show me how to hold a shattered heart.

I did wrong,
got no excuses.
I’ve held on for too long,
and here comes the hurting. 


Lady Winter

Out in the night
As the snow and stars danced discreetly.
A glorious sight
In the gloom consumed me completely.

And her gaze is like the moonlight.
And her gaze is like the moonlight.
And her gaze is like the moonlight,
that drives a man insane.

Out the sound rang
in a choir of heavenly clangour.
And oh how she sang.
And her song was all that I longed for.

And her voice is like a river.
And her voice is like a river.
And her voice is like a river,
that tears your soul apart


Tell her I’m scared,
running out of places to run to.
And now, I’m there,
losing all that’s left holding on to.

And our love was like the ocean.
And our love was like the ocean.
And our love was like the ocean,
that sinks the strongest ship.


Morgunn / Morning

Lítil fugl í leyni
lúrir undir steini.
Kveður senn sitt næturskjól.

Lítil sála læðist,
ljós í fjarska glæðist,
gáir móti morgunsól.                 

Dvínar dalalæða
dormar milli hæða.
Fagnar sólu sérhvert blóm.

Ljómi lautir baðar,
lítil hjörtu hraðar
slá við lífsins bjarta hljóm.

Ljósið loga kveikir,
lifnar sálin tætt og köld.
Mætir nýjum degi.

Hugur hýrnar, vaknar,
heimurinn sindrar, allt er nýtt.
Sólin faðm út breiðir,

umvefur allt.

Háa yfir hnjúka
himins fingur strjúka.
Morgunglóðin heilsar hlý.

Ský af himni hopar
hörfa daggardropar.
Fagnar degi veröld ný.

Ljósið loga kveikir,
lifnar sálin tætt og köld.
Mætir nýjum degi.

Hugur hýrnar, vaknar,
heimurinn sindrar, allt er nýtt.
Sólin faðm út breiðir,

umvefur allt.


English translation:

A little bird secretly 
cuddles beneath a stone.
Soon it will leave it's nightly shelter.

A little soul quietly,
as the light wakes in the distance, 
looks towards the morning sun.

The valley mist wanes,
slumbers between hills.
Every flower greets the sun.

The glow bathes the hills,
little hearts beat faster,
to the bright music of life.


The light wakes the flames,
the soul, so tattered and cold comes a live
and meets the new day.

The mind gladdens, awakens,
the world sparkles, everything is new.
The sun opens its arms.

Embraces all.

The tall peaks of mountains
are caressed by the fingers of heaven.
The morning glow greets warmly.

A cloud retreats from the sky,
as dewdrops withdraw.
And a new world celebrates the day.

The light wakes the flames,
the soul, so tattered and cold comes a live
and meets the new day.

The mind gladdens, awakens,
the world sparkles, everything is new.
The sun opens its arms.

Embraces all.


Sumarið kvatt, sem aldrei kom,
og haustið, svo traust, í hlaðið reið.
Settlega svæfði alla von
um sólríka daga og kvöldin heið.
Um sólríka daga og kvöldin heið.

Skýin nú hörfa stundarbil
og sólin loks í hæðni skín
Fuglar í nótt fá sjónarspil
á flugi þúsund trampólín.
Þeytast hjá þúsund trampólín.

Þungir vindar blása
þvert á alla ása.
Jólatré fjúka um götur hér og þar 

Vonum feykt af stalli,
vanrækt grill á palli
minnir á ótal brostnar væntingar.

Kaldar lengjast nætur,
kaldir, blautir fætur.
Rignir nú strítt á okkar stirða geð.

Ljós í regni glansa,
lauf í vindi dansa.
Ekkert í boði nema dansa með

Haustvindar, haustvindar,
takið mig með, takið mig með!

English translation:

Autumn winds


We bad farewell to a summer that never came.
And autumn, so reliable, made its entrance.
It politely laid to rest all hopes
of sunny days and bright evenings.

The clouds retreat for a moment
and at last the sun shines, ironically.
The birds will see a marvel tonight,
as a thousand trampolines whirl by.
A flight of a thousand trampolines.

Heavy winds blow,
from all directions.
Christmas trees are blown across the streets all around.

Our hopes lie shattered,
as a derelict barbecue
reminds us of so many broken expectations.

The nights get longer and colder,
our feet, wet and cold,
as the rain beats on our already fragile souls.

Lights shimmer in the rain,
leaves dance in the wind.
We have no choice but to dance with them.

Autumn winds, autumn winds, take me with you, take me with you.


Cheap imitations

Dressing up
for occasions which never arrive.
Consuming like fires never quenching.
What's wrong with this picture?

Cheap imitations of life,
astroturf green and Barbie doll pink.
What's wrong with this picture?

The naked truth stares me in the eye,
as I lie on my pillow.
Beauty undresses before me
but still I prefer the lie,
what's wrong with this picture?

Cheap imitations of life,
astroturf green and Barbie doll pink.
What's wrong with this picture?


Undir birkitré

Einn ég dvel og velti um heiminn vöngum.
Bærist laufið græna, bærist laufið græna.
Hérna get ég setið stundum löngum,
syngur lækjarspræna, syngur lækjarspræna.

Undir birkitré, undir birkitré,
allar heimsins þrautir og þrár verða smáar eins og ég.
Undir grænu birkitré, birkitré.

Engin tár og engar lífsins sorgir,
bærist laufið græna, bærist laufið græna.
Aðeins gola og gullnar skýjaborgir,
syngur lækjarspræna, syngur lækjarspræna.

English Translation

Alone I sit and ponder the world
as the green leaf flutters
Here I can dwell for long hours
as the gentle spring sings.

Under a birch tree, under a birch tree
all of life's troubles and desires become small just like me.
Under a green birch tree, a birch tree.

No tears and none of life's sorrows,
as the green leaf flutters.
Only the breeze and golden cities in the clouds
as the gentle spring sings.

German translation

Ich bleibe allein und grüble über die Welt.
Das grüne Laub bewegt sich, das grüne Laub bewegt sich.
Hier kann ich lange Stunden sitzen.
Es singt der Lauf des Baches, es singt der Lauf des Baches.

Unter der Birke, unter der Birke,
alle Beschwerden und Sehnsüchte der Welt
werden klein, so wie ich selbst.
Unter der grünen Birke, Birke.

Keine Tränen und keine Sorgen des Lebens.
Das grüne Laub bewegt sich, das grüne Laub bewegt sich.
Nur sanfter Wind und goldene Wolkenstädte.
Es singt der Lauf des Baches, es singt der Lauf des Baches.



Ölduslóð, báruljóð,
bundin í orðum.
Norðurglóð, geislaflóð,
gengum við forðum.

Myndirnar svarthvítar
og allt sem í þeim býr.
Allt sem var og alls staðar
er minningin um þig svo skýr.

Myrkur sjór, mjúkur snjór,
mættumst í leyni.
Stjörnukór, kuldaskór,
sátum á steini.

Myndirnar svarthvítar
og allt sem í þeim býr.
Alls staðar og allt sem var
er minningin um þig svo skýr.

Loforðin týndust eitt og eitt,
en draumarnir lifa enn
þó allt sé breytt

Ölduslóð, báruljóð,
bundin í orðum.
Norðurglóð, götu hljóð,
gengum við forðum.

English Translation:

Way of waves

Way of waves, poems of the sea,
bound in words.
Northern glow, a flood of light,
we walked before.

The pictures, black and white,
and everything they keep.
And everywhere, and all that was,
is the memory of you, so clear.

Dark sea, soft snow,
we met in secret.
A choir of stars, snow shoes,
sat on a rock.

Pictures, black and white,
and everything they keep.
And all that was and everywhere,
is the memory of you, so clear.

The promises got lost,
one by one.
But the dreams still live,
although everything has changed.

Way of waves, poems of the sea,
bound in words.
Northern glow, the road quietly,
we walked before.

Deutsche Übersetzung: Andy Schmidt

 Weg der Wellen (Ölduslóð)
Weg der Wellen, Wogenlied,
gebunden in Worten.
Nordglut, Strahlenflut,
einst gingen wir.
Die Bilder in Schwarz und Weiß
und alles, was darinnen wohnt.
Alles, was war, und überall
ist die Erinnerung an dich so klar.
Dunkle See, weicher Schnee,
wir trafen uns heimlich.
Sternenchor, Schneeschuhe,
saßen auf Steinen.
Die Bilder in Schwarz und Weiß
und alles, was darinnen wohnt.
Überall und alles, was war,
ist die Erinnerung an dich so klar.
Die Versprechen verloren sich nach und nach,
doch die Träume leben noch,
obwohl sich alles verändert hat.
Weg der Wellen, Wogenlied,
gebunden in Worten.
Nordglut, die Straße, leise ruhend,
einst gingen wir.

Tiger and bear

Don't need no money to buy for.
Don't need a country do die for.
Don't need a lover to lie for.
Don't need no reasons to cry for.

Don't need a life,
filled with anguish, hate and strife.
Don't need a cue don't need a clue,
all I really need is you.

Don't need a big car to choke in.
Don't need a cigar for smoking'.
Don't need a bottle to drown in.
Don't need no reasons for frowning.

Don't need a glove,
to keep my hands away from love.
No reasons new for feeling blue,
all I really need is you.

Just need a good friend to talk to.
A destination to walk to.
Soft sunny mornings for striding.
While birds on wind gusts are gliding.

Just need a song
and my world can sing along.
River blue and worries few,
all I really need is you.


Yfir hóla og yfir hæðir

Yfir hóla og yfir hæðir
langar mig að sýna þér.
Bakpokar og gönguskór,
lítinn stað sem ég hef fundið mér

Yfir hóla og yfir hæðir

Yfir hóla og yfir hæðir
kræklótt lyggur okkar leið,
bældur mosi, angandi lyng
Við horfum hugfangin á hrafnaþing.

Yfir hóla og yfir hæðir.

Yfir hóla og yfir hæðir,
sérðu það sem ég sé?
Lækjarspræna og laufið græna,
ég færi þér mín helgu vé.

Yfir hóla og yfir hæðir.

English Translation:

Over hills and over heaths
I want to show you.
Backpacks and walking shoes,
a little place I have found for myself.

Over hills and over heaths.

Over hills and over heaths.
our winding paths lie.
Subdued moss and the scent of heather.
We watch the ravens congress in awe.

Over hills and over heaths.

Over hills and over heaths
do you see what I see?
A gentle spring and the green leaf,
I bring you to my sacred hidden place.

German translation:

Über Hügel und über Heiden,
will ich dir gerne zeigen,
Rucksäcke und Wanderschuhe,
einen kleinen Ort, den ich mir gefunden habe.

Über Hügel und über Heiden.

Über Hügel und über Heiden,
liegt krumm unser Weg,
eingedrücktes Moos und duftendes Heidekraut,
wir betrachten begeistert eine Rabenversammlung.

Über Hügel und über Heiden.

Über Hügel und über Heiden,
siehst du das, was ich sehe?
Ein Bachlauf und das grüne Laub,
ich bringe dir mein Heiligtum.

Ahoy! Side B


Hope and Fortune
The Tide is Rising
Emotional Anorexic
Hard Things
A Glorious Catastrophe
While the World Burns


Curtains fall in November 
cover all that lies behind.
Every day like fading embers
growing darker than the last.
Clouds a thousand shades of memories,
And the sun is fading fast.

Snow drifts down in November
a quiet blanket on my mind
Summer begs me to remember.
Tie me tighter to the mast.
Light a candle in November
And the light is fading fast.

There’s a force in the winter calm,
just as strong and wild as any storm.
There’s a glow in the darkness,
that keeps a roaming soul safe and warm.

Tear down my shroud of fear.
Make it all disappear.


Hope and fortune

I left my home on an Autumn day
Turned my face to the ocean grey
Shed my life for a chance to be free
Hang onto hope on a treacherous sea

To look back again on that land of mine
To have my heart and my mind beguiled
What lies ahead can't be a mistake
Day by day another Yankee wake

O'er the seas we go
Say fare thee well so long to the world we know
Oh the hell we'll raise
When fortune guides us over furious waves
When fortune guides us over furious waves

They say hope is a fickle thing
But I'd rather hope than face another frozen spring
I'd rather brave the ocean's rage
Than safely starve another day

The devil you know or the devil you don't
A hangman's smile or a pastor's doubts
For hope is a thing we can't afford
I won't leave my luck in the hands of the lord

Over the seas we'll go
Say fare thee well so long to the world we know
Oh the hell we'll raise
When fortune guides us over furious waves
When fortune guides us over furious waves

All I'm bringing along with me
Tiny branch of my family tree
All we've lost and all we've known
We'll plant anew and watch it grow

Over the seas we go
Say fare thee well so long to the world we know
Oh the well we'll raise
When fortune guides us over furious waves
When fortune guides us over furious waves

I say o'er the seas we'll go
Say fare the well so long to the world we know
Oh the hell we'll raise
When fortune guides us over furious waves
When fortune guides us over furious waves
When fortune guides us over furious waves
When fortune guides us over furious waves



Nú færir rökkrið frið og ró
og feimin lúrir sól í sjó.
Í hálsakoti er hósíló.
Þar leggur lítið refaskinn
leið sína brátt í draumheiminn.

Nú kveður sólin kjarr og lyng,
og kyssir lítinn ljósvíking.
Heldur svo áfram næsta hring.
Þá eftir liggur anginn minn
og arkar senn í draumheiminn.

Þar syndum við
milli skýja, hlið við hlið.
Hver hjartsláttur er
himnadýrð, leikandi með þér.

Nú sólin sleikir morgunsár,
með sælubrosi knýr á brár
og stráin þerra daggartár. 
Þá rumskar litli Refurinn
og rekur aftur draumheiminn.

Þar syndum við
milli skýja, hlið við hlið.
Hver hjartsláttur er
himnadýrð, leikandi með þér.

English translation:

Now, twilight brings us peace and calm, 
and shyly, the sun rests in the sea. 
In the nook of my arms, there is sanctuary. 
There, a tiny fox soon strides into the world of dreams.

Now, the sun bids goodnight to birch and heather, 
and kisses a little champion of light. 
Continues on to the next circle. 
And my little one stays behind,
and ventures into the world of dreams.

There we swim 
between clouds, side by side. 
Every heartbeat is celestial glory, 
playing with you.

Now, the sun licks the morning wound, 
with a joyful smile knocks on our brows.
And the straws dry the dewdrops tears. 
Then the little Fox stirs 
and drives back  the dream world.

There we swim 
between clouds, side by side. 
Every heartbeat is celestial glory, 
playing with you.

The Tide is Rising

I feel it in my bones
the tide is rising
my mind is gliding
the tide is rising

I feel it in my soul
the tide is rising
my mind is gliding
The ground is sliding
the tide is rising

don’t be afraid
it’s only water
to wash away your fears, your doubt, your pain...

I feel it in my throat
the tide is rising
there’s no horizon
the world’s colliding
the tide is rising

don’t be afraid
it’s only water, it’s only water
don’t be afraid
it’s only water, it’s only water

Of late there’s raged a hateful a war in me
exhausted soldiers left the battlefield

the tide is rising, the tide is rising,
And I will rise along, rise along with it.
And I will rise along, rise along.


Myrkrið gleypir allt.
En undir snjó með rammri kaldri ró
rumskar janúar, 
Rymur hljótt og gyrðir sig í brók

Ýfða yglir brá,
Augu pírð í átt að kaldri sól.
„Þessi fjandi dugar skammt!
Hún liggur flöt en skal á loft!“

Ó janúar, sem enginn ann.
Hve dýrðlegt er þitt vanþakkláta starf?

Sólin rís með hægð,
en bak við tjöldin böðlast Janúar.
Eins og rótari, 
eða ruslakall á mánudagsmorgni.

Ó janúar, sem enginn ann.
Hve dýrðlegt er þitt vanþakkláta starf?

Og eftir allt, sem hann gaf,
Janúar skríður aftur undir feld.
Þar til skyldan kallar enn á ný,
Eins og snæviþakinn Batman.

Ó janúar, sem enginn ann.
Hve dýrðlegt er þitt vanþakkláta starf?
Ég sé þig janúar, ég man þig janúar.

English translation:

Darkness swallows all,
but under the snow, 
with a harsh, cold calm, 
January stirs, 
quietly grunts 
and girds itself in pants.

Folds a furrowed brow,
Eyes squint toward the cold sun. 
"This catastrophe is useless! She lies flat but shall soar!"

Oh, January, that noone loves. 
How splendid is your thankless task?

The sun rises gently, 
but behind the curtains, January strives. 
Like a roadie, or a garbage man on a Monday morning.

Oh, January, that noone loves.  
How splendid is your thankless task?

And after all that he gave, 
January crawls back under the fur. 
Until duty calls again, 
Like a snow covered Batman.

Oh, January, that noone loves. 
How splendid is your thankless task? 

I see you, January, 
I remember you, January.


Emotional anorexic

Morning grows near, oh I wish you were here,
as I toss and I turn in my bed.
I long for your touch and I miss you so much
and the silence has torn me to shreds.

But even in longing, I still feel the pronging
of misery's poisonous claws,
when in your perfection I catch my reflection
and in it my numerous flaws.

Babe, don't be afraid,
you know I love you with all of my heart.
Please come back to me,
don't let those wicked thoughts tear us apart.

You're brave and you're strong, I am timid and wrong,
you're a diamond and I am but coal.
You're the moon and the stars, I am ashes and tar,
you're a nightingale, I am a mole.

Babe, don't think that way,
these are the demons that bite at your soul.
Please, listen to me,
you're losing your mind and you're out of control.

Well, this is my curse and it keeps getting worse
as I can't hold these bad thoughts at bay.
So I'll whine and I'll moan and I'll cry on the phone
'till I finally drive you away.

And then I will ride with my deflated pride
and the warmth of the blood in my shoe,
'till an ugly old scar and a broken guitar
will be all that reminds me of you.


Hard things

Hard things you said to me,
of monsters beneath your sea
that lurk in the dark and deep abyss.

And hard things you told me of
a cold and a bitter frost,
that bites at your feet while we kiss.

And so we ran, away from the storm.
Your feet on my belly to keep me warm.
We have to learn, soon we'll both learn
to let go of our pain.

And to think I thought you needed time,
to think I thought you needed time,
to think I thought you needed time to think.

Warmth I can give to you,
to last us the whole night through.
I'll scatter your bad dreams away.

And all of our sorrows and all of our banes,
will make like the snowflakes and melt in the rain
and leave us the puddles to play.

And to think I thought you needed time,
to think I thought you needed time,
to think I thought you needed time to think.



I love you
But you're impossible,
so insufferable to love.
I adore you,
But you keep drinking
and now you're sinking
into your hell.

I've loved you ever since I can remember,
And I love your gentle heart with all its stains.
But you seem so set on burning up your body,
until nothing but your skeleton remains.

I love you
But you're impossible,
so insufferable to love.
I adore you,
But you keep lying
and now I'm trying
to cut you loose.

I Know that you're a really decent person,
and I love you with every ounce of all my pain.
But you liquify your soul with your bad habit,
until nothing but your hollow shell remains.

And I had hoped,
but it's impossible.
And I had tried,
but to no avail.
And Now it seems
my only option,
is to turn my back on you.

But I love you
But you're impossible,
so insufferable to love.
I adore you
But you keep drinking
And I've been thinking
and I won't let you drag me down.

I hope that you don't take my words the wrong way,
and I hope that you break free from all your chains.
But nothing's gonna stop you going nowhere,
until nothing but your hollow shell,
and nothing but your skeleton,
and nothing but your memory remains.

And I love you
But you're impossible,
so insufferable to love.
I adore you
but you keep drinking
And now I’m sinking
Into your hell.


A glorious catastrophe

I met you on a wednesday night
all ginger haired in evening lights
and how…
How my heart went mad,
And I sighed.
You knew before we kissed that we would
crash and burn and hiss and churn
and how…
How you bowed your head,
and you cried.

Oh how you cried,
and oh how I sighed.
If I had only known,
wouldn't have mattered either way.

Crush is such a fitting word
you crushed me like a little bird
and how…
How I gave my all,
how we tried.

Now all that's left for you and me
is a glorious catastrophe
and how…
How I bow my head.
And I cry...

Oh how I cry…
And oh, how we tried.
If I had only known,
wouldn't have mattered either way.

Could somebody reflect for me,
what's normal to expect from me.
From life, and from love and from all of the above.
How can I, how can I…
Possibly know, oh how things go?
If I had only known,
wouldn't have mattered either way.


While the World Burns

Some people say the end is near
and some say that it's already here.
But I won't feel the slightest fear,
if my arms are full of you.

Maybe we will suffocate
on poison fumes and clouds of hate.
But I won't care about my fate,
if my arms are full of you.

I just want to hold you while the world burns.
Let it burn, burn, burn.

Crushed by the oceans mighty waves
or ripped apart by robotic slaves.
I won't mind the crowded graves,
if my arms are full of you.

Burned alive by bitter ash
or a supernovas blinding flash.
I won't feel that biting lash,
if my arms are full of you.

I just want to hold you while the world burns.
Let it burn, burn, burn.

I just want to hold you while the world burns.
Let it burn, burn, burn.

Brot (The Breaking) Lyrics


The Curtain
Girl from Vancouver
Ástarsaga úr fjöllunum
Bátur bíður
Little things
Slow Dance


Engir stormar í nótt hafa að mér sótt 
Aldrei þessu vant 

Ég hef gengið á skjön, allt mitt líf og plön 
lenda upp á kant. 

Og þó ég geti stundum reynt, að sigla í lífinu beint 
Sækir óreiðan að. 

Fyllir hugann af hríð heimsins harða tíð 
Finn engan felustað. 

Fæ ég í dag kannski stundarfrið?
Finn ég á þessum stað tímabundin grið, Eitt andartak. 

Ég hef hrakist um haf, sokkið á bólakaf 
Siglt hjarta mínu í strand 

Komist aftur á flot, fengið á sálina brot 
ekki ratað í land. 

Og þó að stundum virðist ró, illa gengur þó 
Að lægja öldurnar. 

Samt þá tilhugsun tel, að tímans stytti upp él, 
mér til lífsbjargar. 

Fæ ég í dag kannski stundarfrið 
Finn ég á þessum stað tímabundin grið, Eitt andartak... 

Fæ ég í dag kannski stundarfrið? 
Finn ég á þessum stað tímabundin grið? 
Gæti ég í smá stund, verið eins og þið? 
Eitt andartak, eitt andartak, 
Eitt andartak.

English translation:
No storms have tormented me this night
for a change.

I have walked a crooked path, all my life and plans
lie askew.

And even if I can sometimes try, to sail straight in this life
chaos draws near.

Fills my mind with a blizzard, the hard time of this world
find no place to hide.

Will I today get maybe a short peace?
Will I find in this place temporary sanctuary, just for a moment?

I have sailed around the sea, sunk below the waves,
crashed my heart on cliffs.

Got back afloat, the waves broke on my soul,
I could not find my way to land.

And even if sometimes it seems quiet, it goes not easily,
calming the waves.

Still, the thought that time's hail will ease
I count to my life's salvation.

Will I today get maybe a short peace?
Will I find in this place temporary sanctuary, just for a moment?
Could I just for a spell, be like you?
Just for a moment.

Deutsche Übersetzung
Bruchstück (Brot)

Heut‘ Nacht haben mich keine Stürme angegriffen,
ausnahmsweise ‘mal.
Bin abseits gelaufen, meines ganzes Leben und Vorhaben
landen im Widerstreit.
Auch wenn ich manchmal versuch‘, im Leben geradeaus zu segeln,
greift das Chaos wieder an.
Der Welt harte Zeit füllt meinen Geist mit Eis,
find‘ kein sich’res Versteck.
Bekomm‘ ich heut‘ vielleicht eine Weile Ruh‘?
Find‘ ich an diesem Ort zeitgebund’nen Frieden, einen Atemzug lang.
Bin über die Weltmeere gezogen, versunken in den Wellen,
hab‘ mein Herz auf den Strand gesetzt.
Hab‘ mich wieder flott gemacht,  Brüche in der Seele erlitten,
den Weg an Land nicht gefunden.
Und auch wenn es manchmal ruhig scheint, ist es doch schwer,
die Wellen zu beruhigen.
Und doch zähl‘ ich den Gedanken, dass der Hagel der Zeit aufhören wird,
als meine Lebensrettung.
Bekomm‘ ich heut‘ vielleicht eine Weile Ruh‘?
Find‘ ich an diesem Ort zeitgebund’nen Frieden, einen Atemzug lang.
Bekomm‘ ich heut‘ vielleicht eine Weile Ruh‘?
Find‘ ich an diesem Ort zeitgebund’nen Frieden?
Kann ich, nur kurze Zeit, so sein wie ihr auch?
Einen Atemzug lang, einen Atemzug lang,
einen Atemzug lang.

The Curtain

Sunbeam shining through a dewdrop, 
hanging on an oakleaf, brings the thought of you, 
naked, stepping from the shower, 
your wet body glitters in the dusty hue. 

Colors, sounds of birds and whispers, 
all becomes a curtain, showing me a movie 
of the way you move me, as the leaves blow by. 

Ravens, hopping on a rooftop, 
dancing in the twilight, crowing at the stars. 
You, me, drunk from wine and music, 
dancing after midnight, in abandoned bars. 

Street lights, garbage trucks and traffic, 
all becomes a curtain, showing me a movie 
of the way you move me, as the leaves blow by. 

Cats in heat, a busy street, 
a siren in the night, a thousand sounds 
that call me back to you. 

Colors, sounds of birds and whispers, 
all becomes a curtain, showing me a movie 
of the way you move me, as the leaves blow by.

Girl from Vancouver

I’m in love with a girl from Vancouver 
Maybe I’ll move there, maybe I’ll move there. 
She’s so sweet, she’s got my heart in a hoover, 
Girl from Vancouver, girl from Vancouver. 


She’s got a smile like an upside down rainbow 
Where did my brain go? Where did my brain go? 
How she does it, it’s so hard to explain though… 
Smiles like a rainbow, smiles like a rainbow. 


She’s so sweet, like candy from a stranger. 
Like a poisonous fruit, so pretty and red 
She’s got eyes that radiate the danger. 
I’d like to lay her on my lonely bed. 

I lie back and I think of Vancouver 
Someday I’ll move there, someday I’ll move there. 
Think of her as she’s shaking that smooth hair, 
Girl from Vancouver, Girl from Vancouver,

Ástarsaga úr fjöllunum

Ég beið eftir þér, 
ég beið langa stund eftir þér. 
Og sól kom upp yfir snjóinn. 

Og nú er ég hraun, 
Ég er mosavaxið hraun. 
En djúpt undir bergi slær hjarta, 
slær tröllshjartað enn.

English translation:

I waited for you,
I waited a long time for you.
And the sun came up over the snow.

And now I am lava,
I'm moss covered lava.
But deep under the rock a heart beats,
a trolls heart still beats.

Deutsches Übersetzung:
Liebesgeschichte aus den Bergen

Ich wartete auf dich,
ich wartete lange Zeit auf dich,
und die Sonne kam über den Schnee herauf.
Und nun bin ich Lava,
ich bin moosbewachsene Lava.
Aber tief unter dem Berg schlägt das Herz,
schlägt noch immer das Trollherz.

Bátur bíður

Skín sem bjartur silfurhringur 
Skín þér ljúfi ljósvíkingur 
Mánans öldublik á móðu 
Mjúk og lygn í draumi hljóðum 
Í draumsins ljóðum. 

Með þér skal til morguns dvelja 
Með þér himins stjörnur telja. 
Gæta þín í blundi blíðum 
Barnið mitt með hljóðum þýðum, 
Á anda hlýði. 

Undir stjörnum bátur bíður 
Undan ströndu blítt hann líður 
Horfin sorg í huldum straumi 
Hlýnar sál í gullnum draumi 
Gullofnum draumi

English translation:

Shines like a bright silver ring,
shines for you, sweet warrior of light,
The moon's wavy twinkle on the river.
Soft and sweet in a quiet dream.
In the poems of the dream.

I will stay with you till morning.
I will count the stars in the sky with you.
Watch you as you gently nap,
my child with tender sounds
I hear you breathing.

Under stars a boat is waiting.
Gliding gently from the shore.
The grief vanishes in a hidden stream.
The soul warms in a golden dream,
a gold woven dream.

Deutsches Übersetzung:
Ein Boot wartet

Scheint wie ein heller Silberring,
scheint für dich, lieber Lichtwikinger,
des Mondes Wellenblick auf dem Dunst.
Weich und ruhig in stillem Traum,
im Gedicht der Träume.
Werd‘ mit dir auf den Morgen warten,
mit dir des Himmels Sterne zählen,
dich in sanftem Schlummer bewachen.
Mein Kind, mit sanften Tönen
hör‘ ich dich atmen.
Unter den Sternen wartet ein Boot,
gleitet sacht vom Strand hinweg,
verschwunden der Kummer in verborg’nem Strom,
die Seele erwärmt sich in gold‘nem Traum,
in goldgewob’nem Traum.


Ain’t it hard to have a home 
When all you’re longing for 
is to ramble and roam. 
It makes it hard to have a home. 

And ain’t it good to say goodbye 
Throw your troubles into the sky. 
Makes it good to say goodbye 

I have walked and I have strayed 
So many roads, so many ways. 
And I’ve stumbled, and I fell low, 
So much to see, so much to show. 

And ain’t it hard to have a home, 
When all you’re longing for 
is to ramble and roam. 
It makes it hard to have a home. 

And as the world, glides on by 
on a train, a tiny sigh 
leaves my mouth and greets the day, 
drifts on south, floats away. 

Ain’t it hard to have a home 
When all you’re longing for 
is to ramble and roam. 
It makes it hard to have a home. 

And ain’t it good to say goodbye 
Throw your troubles into the sky. 
Makes it good to say goodbye 
Makes it sweet to say goodbye 
makes it hard to have a home, 
but kind of sad to be alone.

Little things

There’s something you should know. 
My love, before I go, 
how you set my heart aglow, with all you are. 

How you smile when you are weak, 
And the way you stroke my cheek, 
How you’ll always be unique, my guiding star. 

And I get easily obsessed with small things 
Like the flutters in my chest, your voice brings 
and when I finally come to rest, it all rings true 
Thank you for the little things you do. 

I could wander for a while, 
in the wonders of your smile, 
every day, another mile, behind your eyes. 

And I love it when you drink, 
and your inhibitions shrink 
and you make that dirty wink you can’t disguise. 

And I get easily obsessed with small things 
Like the flutters in my chest, your voice brings 
and when I finally come to rest, it all rings true 
Thank you for the little things you do. 

How I love your gentle tone, 
When your grandma’s on the phone, 
and how you’ve always known my crazy ways 

How you mumble in your sleep, 
And how laughter makes you weep, 
The memories we keep and lazy days.


Myrk er þokan og mjó þau sund 
sem marka leið í var. 
Hljóður sit og hlusta um stund, 
svo heyri fjallsins svar. 

Lágan syng leiðartón, 
landi fjarri enn. 
Felur sig í fjarskanum, 
finn ég áttir senn. 

Fjallið tað er kvirt, men kennir teg 
havið, sum berjir støðugt inn á seg 
tokan hylur klettarnar 
sum altíð fara at síggja veruleikan. 

Læðist þokan lygn og mjúk, 
Ljóð sem felur ótal leyndarmál. 
Í sanginum finna vit sannleikan 
Og sálin finnur í lögunum ljós.

English translation:

The mist

Dark is the mist  and narrow the straits
that mark the way to safe haven.
Silently sit and listen for a while,
to hear the answer of the mountain.

A low tone of guidance I sing
Still far from land.
Hides in the distance,
I will find my way soon.

The mountain stands still, but knows you.
The ocean beats on it constantly.
The mist covers the cliffs,
but they always tell the truth.

The mist sneaks, still and soft.
A poem that hides untold secrets.
Through singing we find the truth
and the soul finds light in the song.

Deutsches Übersetzung:
Der Nebel

Dunkel ist der Nebel und schmal die Sunde,
die den Weg in den Schutz weisen,
Sitz‘ still und horche eine Weile,
dann hör‘ ich des Berges Antwort.
Singe leis‘ Wegesweis‘
Fern ab noch vom Land
Verbirgt sich in der Ferne noch,
bald find‘ ich den Weg.
Der Berg steht ruhig, doch er kennt dich,
die See, die sich unablässig bricht.
Der Nebel hüllt die Klippen ein,
die immer die Wahrheit sehen werden.
Der Nebel legt sich still und sanft,
ein Gedicht, das eine Unzahl Geheimnisse verbirgt.
Im Lied finden wir die Wahrheit
und die Seele findet in den Melodien Licht.


Situr hjá mér snáðinn minn 
Syngur út í alheiminn 
og einhvers staðar bíður þín svar 
Elsku Úlfar 

Brosið þitt svo blítt og tært 
Blasir við mér undurskært 
Það græðir hjartans sárasta mar 
Elsku Úlfar 

Allt er hulið, ekkert sé 
Ósprottið er lífs þíns tré 
En sálin leitar ljóss alls staðar 
Elsku Úlfar 

Berðu vinur höfuð hátt 
Heimsins gaman oft er grátt. 
Enn gráttu ekki nokkuð sem var 
Elsku Úlfar 

Hlakka til að heyra og sjá 
Hjartað þitt um heiminn slá 
Fyrstu skrefin fylgjumst við þar. 
Elsku Úlfar

English translation:

Úlfar (Wolfgang)

Sits with my little wolfling,
sings into the universe
and somewhere an answer waits for you
my dear Úlfar.

Your smile so sweet and clear
spreads before me so wonderfully bright
It heals the most painful bruises of the heart,
my dear Úlfar.

All is hidden, nothing seen.
Your life's tree has yet to grow,
but the soul seeks the light in all places,
my dear Úlfar.

Hold your head high my little friend,
the world often has a cruel sense of humour,
but never cry for things passed
my dear Úlfar.

I long to hear and see
your heart beat across the world.
I will walk by you, your first steps.
my dear Úlfar.

Deutsches Übersetzung:

Úlfar (Wolfgang)

Sitzt bei mir, mein Junge,
singst hinaus ins Weltall,
und irgendwo wartet deine Antwort,
lieber Úlfar.
Dein Lächeln ist so sanft und klar,
zeigt sich mir so wunderbar,
heilt meines Herzens schlimmste Wunde,
lieber Úlfar.
Alles ist verborgen, sehe nichts,
noch nicht gewachsen ist deines Lebens Baum,
doch die Seele sucht überall Licht,
lieber Úlfar.
Trag‘, mein Freund, den Kopf nur hoch,
grau ist der Welt Freude oft,
aber beweine nie vergang’ne Zeit,
lieber Úlfar.
Freu‘ mich drauf, zu seh’n und hör’n,
wie dein Herz um die Welt schlägt,
die ersten Schritte teilen wir dann,
lieber Úlfar.

Slow Dance

There we lay, in a low place 
Waiting game, no rules no form 
A crooked smile, spread on your face 
All prepared for the coming storm 

Our embrace, like a slow dance 
moving with unyielding force 
Waves of pain, gentle torment, 
A rising tide with no remorse 

We can work it out 
We can work it out 
We can do without the fear. 

Hours pass in a slow ache 
As I hold your tender frame 
Then you fall, like a snowflake 
Melting in the growing flame 

We can work it out 
We can work it out 
We can do without the pain. 

Come on baby one more go (try/annað), 
you can do it! it's a miracle! it's swell! 
Oh my god you're doing well! It's almost over! 

Hold my hand we're almost there! 
You can do it! Hold on baby! Something's wrong! 
Come on darling! Just stay strong! It's almost over! 

Come into the light 
come into the light 
welcome home 
come into the light

Ölduslóð (Way of waves) Lyrics


Baby would you marry me?
While the world burns
Humble hymn
Prayer for the dead

Deutsche Übersetzungen: Andy Schmidt

Baby, would you marry me?

Out in the forest
under a tree, lies a dream
that you once told to me.
Out in the desert,
under a stone, lies a poem,
that you once wrote to me.

Baby, would you marry me
under an apple tree
or the bottom of the sea
or maybe on a train to Spain
or some nice place like that?

And, baby, would you marry me
on a mountain top or a traffic stop
or maybe on a boat that floats
into the great unknown?

That would be a day to remember our love by.

Out in the ocean,
under a fish, lies a kiss
that you once blew to me.
And up in the sky,
under a shroud made of clouds
is all you mean to me.

While the world burns

With a special shout out to Rock Master Scott & the Dynamic Three

Some people say the end is near
and some say that it's already here.
But I won't feel the slightest fear,
if my arms are full of you.

Maybe we will suffocate
in poison fumes and clouds of hate.
But I won't care about my fate,
if my arms are full of you.

I just want to hold you while the world burns.
Let it burn, burn, burn.

Crushed by the oceans mighty waves
or ripped apart by robotic slaves.
I won't mind the crowded graves,
if my arms are full of you.

Burned alive by bitter ash
or a supernovas blinding flash.
I won't feel that biting lash,
if my arms are full of you.

I just want to hold you while the world burns.
Let it burn, burn, burn.

The roof, the roof, the roof is on fire.

I just want to hold you while the world burns.


Ég settist við að semja
sorgarþrungið ljóð,
sökkti mér í sporin,
slökkti hjartans glóð.
Birtist mér þá brosið
og blíðu augun þín.
Þá bráðnar sálin mín.

Þú lætur heiminn ljóma
svo lýsist hjartans tóm.
Orð sem áður særðu
nú ýlfur eru og hjóm.
Ekkert lengur ergir,
eymdin flogin frá,
því þú ert okkur hjá.

Hví að gráta horfin spor og hulda slóð?
Hvítur snjórinn sefar okkar sorgarhljóð.

Hvað sem líf þitt hendir,
hvert sem hníga strá,
engan ljótan endi,
Emma, muntu sjá.
Því allt sem sundur tætist
fæst einhvern tímann bætt.
Við um það getum rætt.

English translation:

I sat down to compose
a tragic poem.
Sank myself into the tracks,
extinguished the embers of my heart.
Then suddenly your smile
and your tender eyes appeared
and melted my soul.

You let the world glow,
and light up the empty spaces of the heart.
Words that before hurt,
are now whines and hollow sounds.
Nothing bothers me anymore,
misery flown away,
for you are with us.

Why cry for lost tracks and a covered path.
The white snow will silence our sorrowful sounds.

Whatever your life encounters,
wherever the straws bend.
Never an ugly end
my dear Emma will you see.
For everything that was torn apart,
can be mended in time.
We can work it out.

Deutsche Übersetzung: Andy Schmidt

Emma (Emma)
Ich setzte mich hin, zu komponieren
ein sorgenschweres Lied,
versenkte mich in die Spuren,
erstickte Herzensglut.
Da erschien mir dein Lächeln
und deine zarten Augen.
Da schmilzt meine Seele.
Du lässt die Welt erstrahlen,
machst Herzens Leere hell.
Worte, die zuvor verletzten,
sind nun Geheul und leerer Schein.
Nichts ärgert mehr,
das Elend ist verflogen,
denn du bist nun bei uns.
Warum verschwundene Spuren und
verborgene Pfade beweinen?
Der weiße Schnee dämpft unsere
Was immer in deinem Leben geschieht,
wohin die Halme sich neigen,
kein schlechtes Ende,
Emma, wirst du sehen.
Denn alles, was zerrissen wird,
kann man irgendwann heilen.
Wir können das lösen.


Ölduslóð, báruljóð,
bundin í orðum.
Norðurglóð, geislaflóð,
gengum við forðum.

Myndirnar svarthvítar
og allt sem í þeim býr.
Allt sem var og alls staðar
er minningin um þig svo skýr.

Myrkur sjór, mjúkur snjór,
mættumst í leyni.
Stjörnukór, kuldaskór,
sátum á steini.

Myndirnar svarthvítar
og allt sem í þeim býr.
Alls staðar og allt sem var
er minningin um þig svo skýr.

Loforðin týndust eitt og eitt,
en draumarnir lifa enn
þó allt sé breytt

Ölduslóð, báruljóð,
bundin í orðum.
Norðurglóð, götu hljóð,
gengum við forðum.

English Translation:

Way of waves, poems of the sea,
bound in words.
Northern glow, a flood of light,
we walked before.

The pictures, black and white,
and everything they keep.
And everywhere, and all that was,
is the memory of you, so clear.

Dark sea, soft snow,
we met in secret.
A choir of stars, snow shoes,
sat on a rock.

Pictures, black and white,
and everything they keep.
And all that was and everywhere,
is the memory of you, so clear.

The promises got lost,
one by one.
But the dreams still live,
although everything has changed.

Way of waves, poems of the sea,
bound in words.
Northern glow, the road silently,
we walked before.

Deutsche Übersetzung: Andy Schmidt

 Weg der Wellen (Ölduslóð)
Weg der Wellen, Wogenlied,
gebunden in Worten.
Nordglut, Strahlenflut,
einst gingen wir.
Die Bilder in Schwarz und Weiß
und alles, was darinnen wohnt.
Alles, was war, und überall
ist die Erinnerung an dich so klar.
Dunkle See, weicher Schnee,
wir trafen uns heimlich.
Sternenchor, Schneeschuhe,
saßen auf Steinen.
Die Bilder in Schwarz und Weiß
und alles, was darinnen wohnt.
Überall und alles, was war,
ist die Erinnerung an dich so klar.
Die Versprechen verloren sich nach und nach,
doch die Träume leben noch,
obwohl sich alles verändert hat.
Weg der Wellen, Wogenlied,
gebunden in Worten.
Nordglut, Straßengeräusch,
einst gingen wir.

Humble hymn

We walk a lifetime
and lose our treasures.
But in the end our fortune
is measured by our fading scars.

Without our failure
there's no redemption.
And so we take our chances
to fall and rise with equal grace.

God bless our mistakes.
Let our bubbles break.
Let us be thankful for our foolish pride.

The air between us
is filled with silence.
Our words were never spoken
from fear of our rejection.

So tell your stories
and ask your questions.
Regrets are made for losing.
Embrace our imperfections.


I dream of a bicycle ride
with my girl by my side.
We’d ride with our headphones on
and block out everyone
and listen to the soundtracks to our lives.

Drifting by in a haze
as we vacantly gaze.
Nothing but the sun,
we’d block out everyone
and listen to the soundtracks to our lives.


Allt sem er, brennur, fer
undan heimsins hörkuéljum.
Gæðir sér gammager
á hjörtum manna í slíkum heljum.

En eina veit ég vetrarsól
sem veitir sálu minni skjól.

Án þín er allt sem gler
og framtíðin í kuldabáli.
Segðu mér hvernig þér
hugnast að hitta mig að máli.

Þá myndi birta í hellinn minn
skína æ svo fögur inn.

Eina mey langar grey
að finna umfaðmandi arma.
Þó mín fley framar ei
sigli, aldrei mun það harma.

Því nú mun birta í hellinn minn
skína æ svo fögur inn.

English translation:

All that is, burns, turns,
from the hard weathers of the world.
A colony of vultures
devours men's hearts in such times.

But one winter sun I know,
that gives shelter to my heart.

Without you, everything is like glass,
and the future in cold flames.
Tell me, how you'd like,
to meet me for a parley.

Then a glow into my cave,
would shine so fair.

One maiden, this poor fellow,
longs to feel arms embracing.
Though my ships, never again
sail, I´ll never regret.

For now will a glow
ever so fair, light my cave.

Deutsche Übersetzung: Andy Schmidt

Wintersonne (Vetrarsól)
Alles, was ist, brennt, geht
unter in den harten Stürmen der Welt.
Aasgeier tun sich gütlich
an den Herzen der Menschen in solchen Höllen.
Aber eine Wintersonne weiß ich,
die meiner Seele Schutz spendet.
Ohne dich ist alles wie Glas
und die Zukunft in eisigen Flammen.
Sag mir, wie es dir gefiele
mich zum Gespräch zu treffen.
Dann schiene in meine Höhle
ein so schöner Strahl hinein.
Ein Mädchen sehnt sich dieser arme Wicht
zu fühlen, mit umschließenden Armen.
Wenn auch mein Boot in Zukunft nicht
mehr segelt, ich werde es nie beklagen.
Denn nun wird in meine Höhle
ein so schöner Strahl scheinen.


Komdu í nótt, komdu til mín,
við skulum strjúka.
Haltu mér þétt, haltu mér fast,
við skulum strjúka.

Komdu í nótt, komdu til mín,
við skulum þjóta.
Og yfir stjörnubjartri nótt
við megum fljóta.

Og ef að sólin kemur upp
skulum við biðja hana
að bíða aðeins lengur.
Við þurfum ekki að fara,
því að ekkert liggur á,
við lúrum lengur.

English translation:

Come tonight, come to me,
let's run away.
Hold me tight, hold me fast,
let us run away.

Come tonight, come to me.
Let's fly.
And over a starlit night,
we may glide.

And if the sun comes up,
we'll just ask her to wait a little longer.
We don't need to go, there's no hurry,
we'll cuddle a little longer.

Deutsche Übersetzung: Andy Schmidt
Komm (Komdu)
Komm heute Nacht, komm her zu mir,
lass uns los fliegen.
Halt mich fest, halt mich fest,
lass uns los fliegen.
Komm heute Nacht, komm her zu mir,
lass uns los laufen.
Und über die sternenhelle Nacht
können wir schweben.

Und wenn die Sonne aufgeht,
werden wir sie bitten,
noch ein bisschen länger zu warten.
Wir müssen uns nicht beeilen,
denn nichts steht auf dem Plan,
wir schlafen länger.


Langt liggur slóð þín,
dóttir mín góð,
um fjöll og um dali,
fjarlægt land.
Þar sem ég áður
reikaði þjáður,
leitandi skjóls um eyðisand,
reikaði einn um eyðisand.

Liggi þín leið um
lágský á heiðum,
þokuna glæðir mánans skin.
Spor mín í sandi,
sífelldur vandi.
Láttu þau hverfa í hyldýpin,
hverfa í kolmyrk hugdjúpin.

Finn þína eigin slóð.
Fegurri verður leiðin þín.
Far þína eigin slóð.
Fetaðu ekki í förin mín.
Forðastu, dóttir, fótspor mín.

Stundum ekkert sést,
hvorki fjöll né firðir,
þá auðnin er alger,
allt er týnt.
Ekki glata voninni,
barnið mitt.

Höfuðið berðu
hátt og þá sérðu
allt sem var hulið þinni sýn.
Þá sérhver hríð
mun reynast þér blíð
og áður en varir sólin skín.
Senn mun hún verma sporin þín.

English translation:

Long lies your path 
my dear daughter.
Over mountains and valleys,
a distant land.
Where I before,
roamed in pain.
Seeking shelter on a barren sand,
roamed alone on a barren sand.

If your way lies 
through low clouds on the heath.
The fog will be lit by the glow of the moon.
My tracks in the sand,
eternal trouble,
let them dissappear into the abyss,
dissapear into the dark abyss of the mind.

Find your own way,
your journey will be more beautiful.
Go your own way,
don't tread into my tracks,
follow not, my daughter, in my footsteps.

Sometimes, nothing is seen,
neither mountains nor fjords,
the anguish is complete,
all is lost.
But never lose your hope my child.

Hold your head high,
and you will see 
all that was covered from your sight.
Then every blizzard
will be tender to you.
And before long the sun will shine,
soon it will warm your footsteps.

Deutsche Übersetzung: Andy Schmidt
Spuren (Spor)
Lang liegt dein Weg,
meine liebe Tochter,
über Berge und Täler,
ein fernes Land.
Dort, wo zuvor ich
leidend schwankte,
Unterschlupf suchend am verlassenen Strand,
wandelte allein am verlassenen Strand.
Führt dein Weg dann
über Wolken auf Heiden,
den Nebel erhellt der Mondenschein.
Meine Spuren im Sand,
ein ewiges Dilemma.
Lass sie verschwinden im Abgrund,
verschwinden in der rabenschwarzen Tiefe des Geistes.
Finde deine eigenen Wege.
Schöner wird dein Weg dann sein.
Geh auf deinen eigenen Pfaden.
Folge nicht meiner Fahrt.
Tochter, verlasse meine Fußspuren.
Manchmal sieht man nichts,
weder Berge noch Fjorde,
dann ist die Wüste absolut,
alles ist verloren.
Gib nicht die Hoffnung auf,
mein Kind.
Halt den Kopf hoch
und dann siehst du
alles, was deinem Blick verborgen blieb.
Dann wird jeder Schneesturm
sich dir als sanft erweisen
und über kurz oder lang scheint die Sonne.
Dann wird sie deine Spuren wärmen.

Prayer for the dead

Nobody will blame you
for the things you said.
Hell will finally claim you.
- A prayer for the dead.

You've poisoned and you've hurt me
with the things you say.
But I will always love you
'till I´m old and grey,
- in my special way.